Ancient Graveyard

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Ancient Graveyard.png

- Happiness is doubled while polished
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building

Type: Cultural Building
Size: Icon size.png 5x3
Obtainable From: Halloween Event 2014
Halloween Event 2015
Halloween Event 2016

Age Icon happiness.png Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 790 75
Iron Age 960 120
Early Middle Ages 1,320 300
High Middle Ages 1,470 600
Late Middle Ages 1,640 900
Colonial Age 1,930 1,500
Industrial Age 2,180 3,000
Progressive Era 2,390 4,500
Modern Era 2,560 7,500
Postmodern Era 2,670 12,000
Contemporary Era 3,100 18,000
Tomorrow 3,760 30,000
The Future 4,510 48,000
Arctic Future 5,250 72,000
Oceanic Future 6,050 90,000