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The King.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated; can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 2x2
Introduced with: Birthday Event 2013

Age Icon population.png Icon coins.png
per hour
Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 1 480 20
Iron Age 1 660 32
Early Middle Ages 1 1,000 80
High Middle Ages 1 1,400 160
Late Middle Ages 1 1,850 240
Colonial Age 1 3,100 400
Industrial Age 1 4,200 800
Progressive Era 1 6,400 1,200
Modern Era 1 8,000 2,000
Postmodern Era 1 10,000 3,200
Contemporary Era 1 13,000 4,800
Tomorrow 1 15,000 8,000
The Future 1 17,000 12,800
Arctic Future 1 19,640 19,200
Oceanic Future 1 22,140 24,000
Virtual Future 1 24,800 32,000